<center>Female Same-Sex Couples</center>

Female Same-Sex Couples

We all know how the story goes…boy meets girl, they fall in love, and build a happy life together…
But what if girl meets girl?


In today’s world, while female couples are increasingly common, we are still lacking good examples for how to do same-sex love.
Sure, as we become adult women there are plenty of female couples we can look to as role models. But as kids growing up and learning about love and relationships? We’re shit out of luck.
And we’re often left asking…


Do I have to define my sexual preference? Am I gay? A lesbian? Just curious?
What do we tell our family? Our friends?
Do we really have to answer “who is the man in the relationship?” Who mows the lawn? Who does the dishes? How do we decide?
Does one of us have to be submissive for this to work? What if we’re both strong-minded and independent?
Do we have to be the same kind of woman? Or does that make it worse?


While your same-sex relationship may seem like uncharted territory, it doesn’t have to feel so foreign and impossible.
If you are in a female same-sex relationship and you’re struggling with any of these issues, I can help. Through self-discovery, vulnerability, honesty, and patience; you, your partner, and those that matter most to you can find common ground, understanding, and happiness.
Get in touch with me today and we can start tackling all the challenges that come with finding yourself in a lady love.
Xx, Dr. Jennelle



And to help out some of your friends and family right now, check out my article on the 3 Things You Never Realized Women Had to Consider…When in a Relationship With Another Woman



<center>Divorced/Remarried Couples</center>

Divorced/Remarried Couples

We all know how the story goes…boy meets girl, they fall in love, and build a happy life together…
But what if it’s not a happy life together?


Despite the fact that divorce rates are at an all-time high (as are remarriages), we are still being raised to believe that marriage is between a man and a woman, that it’s forever, and that divorce is the worst thing possible.


And it’s true, no one plans to get divorced when they get married. No one has childhood wedding dreams… about their second wedding. So once again, we’re left without an example of what these relationships look like, and more importantly, how to do them.
And we find ourselves asking…


What if we don’t hate our ex? What if we do? What if we never want to see them again? What if we have to? 
How do we start a new life, when we have so much emotional and financial baggage from the old one? 
Where to do we live? How do we live? 
What if we want our lives to look nothing like we’ve known before? What if we want a lifestyle just like the one we grew up in? What if our partner doesn’t? 
What if I want to have kids? What if my partner doesn’t? How will our lives change? 


While you may know plenty of divorced and remarried couples in your circle of friends and family, there are still no guidelines for how life goes on after divorce, or for what’s next. There are no rules about future partners hating past partners (or liking them). There is no codebook that lays out exactly whose furniture should be kept, where a “fresh start” should happen, or how to talk about the less-than-sexy parts of a new relationship (like debt and mourning the loss of an old life). It’s complicated, unexpected, and hard…even when there is new love, life, and joy.


Whether newly divorced, newly remarried, or seasoned in both; the ever-evolving relationship challenges brought about by having both an ex-partner and a current partner can seem daunting. I can help you turn each mountain into a molehill and work with you to find better ways of managing the disappointment caused by a previously failed relationship coupled with the high expectations of a new one.


Schedule your free relationship consultation with me today and we can start tackling all the challenges that come with choosing to live for love.
Xx, Dr. Jennelle


And if your challenge comes from an a-HAH {choosing Her After Him} moment, check out my article – Loving Her Doesn’t Mean She Never Loved Him!



<center>Blended Families</center>

Blended Families

We all know how the story goes…boy meets girl, they fall in love, get married, have a baby…
But no one ever talks about falling in love with someone new and learning to love their babies while they learn to love yours.


Much like there are no great role models for same-sex couples and divorced/remarried couples, the best known blended family is likely still The Brady Bunch, which is pretty far off from today’s dynamic. It’s a completely new playing field, for both parents and children, and every situation is completely unique. As if parenting weren’t complicated enough, becoming parents overnight to someone else’s children can feel overwhelming.
And we find ourselves constantly questioning…


How do I co-parent with my ex when we can’t seem to talk to each other?
How can I accept that my kids’ other household is so different than mine? 
How can I share my children with my ex? How can I share my children with my partner?
Why doesn’t my partner love my children like I do? How does my partner love my children like I do?
How do we manage all of these kids at once? 
Should we use the “step” term, or not? What does it even mean?
How will we ever have time for us
How can our house feel more like a home? How can we be a united family? 


Sharing children across households, learning the roles and expectations of biological and non-biological parents, processing countless new emotions, all while trying to raise happy, confident, self-sufficient children? Seems impossible. But it’s not. Together we will create a new vision of what “family” means for you, your partner, and your children. I will work with you to keep the calm in your household (and your heart) and to let go of what is out of your control (and out of your home).


Schedule your free relationship consultation with me today so that you never forget that, truly, *it doesn’t matter where the love comes from, it just matters that it’s there*
Xx, Dr. Jennelle


And if you’re a mom challenged by your non-mom label, check out my article –The Other Mother: My Kids Don’t Call Me ‘Mom’ But I Know I’m Valued